
Are you dreaming of owning your own home but have less than perfect credit? Our Rent-To-Own program can make your dreams come true. We have helped many people just like you accomplish their dream. Call us today!

If you are dreaming of buying a nice home in a nice neighborhood, we can help you make that dream come true. If you can afford a reasonable down payment and affordable monthly payments, you can easily qualify today for our powerful Rent-To-Own program.

With our easy qualifying Rent-To-Own program, you can move into your new home today and we will work with you to help you qualify for traditional financing later.

Perhaps one of these situations applies to you: self-employed, short job history, past or present financial problems. Don’t worry, these problems won’t scare us!

We will help you rebuild your credit! You can even earn generous monthly rent credits towards the purchase price of your new home. This means that each and every month you will be building equity in your home, and you can stop wasting your money on rent!

We will ensure that the owner of the home you are Lease Purchasing from is the actual owner on record. AND, we will make sure that their mortgage is current and they aren’t behind on payments. No one will work harder than us to help you BUY the next home of your dreams!

The fastest way to get into your own new home is to contact us today. Go to our Contact Us link. Don’t forget to join our Buyer’s list on upper right. We will get back to you as soon as we can to give you more information and answer any questions you may have.

Note: We do not act as your real estate agent in these transactions. We are investors who are selling you the property and/or our interest in the property.